Whiskey City Barbers: Business Highlight

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Welcome to Whiskey City Barbers!

In this video:

We like to support the places that take care of us. One of those places is Whiskey City Barbers. I’ve been going to Whiskey City for about 3 months and they are fantastic. Last week, we were shooting a different video (thanks for liking and sharing that BTW) so the videographer joined me to grab some footage to highlight WCB. Nikki and Dustin are awesome and share our passion for Peoria.  So we decided to make a promo video to show them some love.

About us:
We are a full service real estate sales team offering individualized attention, community knowledge, and unique resources when working with home buyers and sellers. The Mike Van Cleve Team with RE/MAX Traders Unlimited provides clients with information, tools and counsel to empower decision making when buying or selling real estate. More on the team and our services at www.mikevancleve.com

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